LPS Committee's page
This small spot in cyberspace belongs to your hard working committee. The list of Committee members can be found on the Contacts page.
To assist in running the Society, the committee meets for one evening approximately every two months.
Next Committee Meeting :
>>> Wednesday 2nd April 7.30pm at The Spread (Function Room)
Lymm Photographic Society - Committee Page
Sharing the joys of photography in our village
Administrative information 1 - Club document repository (One Drive)
All key documents and group mail that support the running of the club are kept on a Windows Live OneDrive in order that they can be accessed by all Committee members.
Using the password provided to Committee members, to access the Onedrive (including our email) click here, using the logon (aka Windows Live ID) : lymmphotosoc@hotmail.com
Any committee member forgetting their password should contact the Lymm Photo Soc webmaster
Administrative information 2 - L&CPU Information Portal (Affiliated Club Management System)
The L&CPU Information Portal is the non-public data area for use by club officials and others such as Judges, Lecturers and Executive Members.
Lymm PS has its own logon on and this is strictly for use by Committee Members only. Generally only the LPS Secretary, President or Vice-President will update club records here.
From the front page of the Portal click on the Affiliated Clubs Login icon and enter the club code and password available from the LPS Secretary or One Drive.
Administrative information 3 - Club Projects Google Drive
This Google Drive is a one-stop shop for accessing LPS Project Drives used for sharing photos as part of community collaborations.
Using the password provided to Committee members or found in their OneDrive, to access the Google Drive click here, using the logon (aka gmail account) : LymmPSprojects@gmail.com
Any committee member forgetting their password should contact the Lymm Photo Soc webmaster