Lymm Photographic Society - Current Programmes of events
Sharing the joys of photography in our village
All meetings are face to face at the Spread Eagle Meetings : the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month except during August
Note - for Members Photos Evening please submit up to 8 photos on a memory stick/by email, to be shown to fellow members, unless advised differently on the web site, by email or at a previous club meeting. * Members please also see image Usage Note below
January 8th
LPS Speaker: David Waterhouse ‘Out in the Landscape’
January 22nd
AGM + The President’s 2024 Review
February 12th
Technical Evening: Critique Night – send in one or two images that you think could do with improving.
February 26th
Speaker: Lynda Haney – My Creative Journey
March 12th
Members Images: Theme = ‘Identify This!`
March 26th
LCPU Print Images - Review & Critique
April 9th
Technical Evening: Topics tbc. Let us know what you would like help with
April 23rd
Members: Annual Competition (Open Digital plus Members Prints from Lymm Library)
May 8th
Speaker TBC
May 22nd
Members Images: Theme = Buildings & Architecture
June 11th
LPS Speakers: Chris Beesley + Bill Rigby
June 25th
Speaker TBC
July 9th
July 23rd
No Meetings - summer break...
September 10th
September 24th
October 8th
October 22nd
November 12th
November 26th
December 10th
The ever popular Christmas fun night. See which photographs the Spread Eagle's landlord selects for our annual Spread Eagle exhibition. Theme - TBC
* Usage note - members' photos may be used in low resolution on the web site, Facebook or to otherwise promote the Society, unless a member has advised otherwise they would prefer not to support the club in this way.