Lymm Then & Now Project 2019
Project Introductory Page
Why are we doing this?
There are lots of reasons, including :
- continuing our mission to support the village, its events/initiatives and organisations
- to provide a once-in-a-lifetime for our members to do something they may not have done before with the potential to have a photograph published for posterity
- getting our members active and out into the community
- to raise the profile of the Photographic Society and gain publicity and raise money for the Heritage Centre (a registered charity)
- to have fun - the fire engine shoot was thoroughly enjoyable!
This page is intended for the use by LPS members participating in the photographing of restaging of old photos of Lymm as part of the Then & Now (working title) collaboration with the Lymm Heritage Centre. The resources on these pages will develop over time.
Use the Project Menu above to navigate through all the resources that will guide and assist your participation in the project.
When did the project start?
The project's first shoot took place on the 31st January 2019, when we restaged some old photographs of the old fire engine in front of it's then fire station in Brookfield Road.
The reproduced photographs consistented of Lymm's current fire engine, it's crew and members of staff from Brookfield Surgery who are the current occupants.....hopefully you get the idea of what we are trying to do in this project.
What do I need to do?
Simple! Volunteer to get involved. If you have not already been approached to see if you'd like to take part, then get in touch with a member of the project management team.
What's involved?
You and your camera basically. You will have one (or more if you wish) vintage photograph to restage. In essence you just need to recky your location (and get in touch with the current occupants if that is relevant to the shot...or the a member of the project management team can do that for you), take the "now" version of the picture and upload it.
Is that it? Yes, pretty much. We have pre-and post-shoot instructions that explain what to do and introductory text if required for present occupants plus an enthusiastic project team to assist you.
All vintage photographs copyright Lymm Heritage and Information Centre 2019
All other photographs and this web site (incl content) copyright Lymm Photographic Society 2019
How to I find out more, how to participate and get help and guidance?
Use the Project Menu top centre to navigate through all the resources that will guide and assist your participation in the project.
What is the Lymm Then & Now Project ?
Then & Now is a joint community project between the Lymm Photographic Society and the Lymm Heritage Centre which will run throughout 2019-2020. The objective is to restage a series of old photographs of Lymm, to reproduce scenes from the past with the equivalent scene in the present time. The old ("vintage") photographs have all been supplied by the Heritage Centre and all the "now" photographs are being taken by members of the Photographic Society.
The project will culminate in a book (or something similar) funded and produced by the Heritage Centre......and we hope to include as many (relevant) people in the photos (for example the present occupiers of the buildings we photographing). The book will be published at their risk and raise funds for the Heritage Centre.