Lymm Then & Now Project 2019
Project - Management Page
How are we managing the photos and other stuff?
To make it easy to store our photos, provide standard emails/ documents and share photos between the Photo Soc and the Heritage Centre, we have a joint Lymm Then and Now Google Drive.
This is where you will be able to see the original old photos supplied by the Heritage Centre and, more importantly, to where you will upload the best of your finished photos.
We also have a tracker on the Google Drive so that we can see where we are all up to.
This page is intended for the use by LPS members participating in the photographing of restaging of old photos of Lymm as part of the Then & Now (working title) collaboration with the Lymm Heritage Centre.
Project Management Team?
Every successful project needs resources and people to organise things! The Then & Now project if no different.
Our Project Management Team is …..
Lymm Photographic Society
Chris Beesley, Carol Sparkes, Jackie Tucker and Martin Ellison
Lymm Heritage Centre
Alan Taylor, Alan Williams
….and the Project team members?
Well that's you as a member of the Lymm Photographic Society (we hope) :)
Before we tell you more about the Google Drive the first thing to say is that if computers are not your thing don't worry at all. We can show you how to use the Google Drive or we can do it for you!
How to use the Google Drive
Simpley click here or on the logo.
All vintage photographs copyright Lymm Heritage and Information Centre 2019
All other photographs and this web site (incl content) copyright Lymm Photographic Society 2019