We meet in the Function Room upstairs at ‘The Spread Eagle’ pub, Eagle Brow in the centre of the village on:

the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month except during August

Note - for Members Photos Evening please bring up to 5 photos on a memory stick, to be shown to fellow members, unless advised differently on the web site or at a previous club meeting.
January 13th Building an Image” with Christine Widdall.
January 27th Club AGM followed by a review of members photos taken at last year's table top evening.
February 10th CHANGE OF PROGRAMME :  Landscapes photography with Chris Beard (also including travel and macro)
  February 24th Members' Evening:  Bring up to 5 images on the theme - ‘Transportation’. 
Then tell us about your photographs.
March 9th Nature and Insects photography with Tony Pioli.
March 23rd L&CPU Folio 1 evening - Guest critiquer Tim Knowles give us pointers about what makes a good photograph (or not) when reviewing winning prints from around the region..... This is a little bit of training for our 13th April evening...
April 13th L&CPU Folio 2 evening - now it's our turn! Viewing of the next folio of digitals images, with our own members passing their own critique on the entries.
April 27th Note change in programme : "A glimpse into the World of Wedding Photography" by Wynford Evans, followed by Technical Corner - image resizing.
May 11th In-House Competition Night - guest judge Janice Barton

Part 1 will be judging those prints that have been displayed in the library - members need do nothing for part 1 - Dave C will organise)
Part 2 will be of digital images, on an open theme (i.e. enter images of any subjects you like!) - please submit up to 3 digital images (with the image title included in the file name)
May 25th NOTE CHANGE OF TOPIC (same speaker) An evening with Bob Dennis and his "Enigma Variations"
June 8th Portraiture photography with Andrew Collier.
June 15th NOTE CHANGE OF DATE Club Outing - Gauntlet Birds of Prey, Knutsford. Private opening for Lymm Photo. Soc. Members with specific photographic access. Book early to secure your place - £10 deposit required.
July 13th “Travels in Monochrome” with Dave Butcher
July 27th Members' Evening:  Bring up to 5 images on the theme of - ‘Looking Up’. 
Plenty of scope here to show your imagination
August No Meetings
September 14th “A judge’s critique” with the ever popular Bill Edwards.
September 28th   Members Evening: Looking at photos from our Outdoor Events and other Lymm Village events.
October 12th “An evening with…” with Tremaine Cornish.  Expect the unexpected.
October 26th Members' Evening:  Bring up to 5 images on the theme of - ‘Something beginning with A’.  Again plenty of scope to show your ingenuity.
November 9th   “Pixel painted Art” with Adrian McGarry.  Something new to consider.
November 23rd

30th November --->
Change of Programme to “A personal journey through photography -  nature, macro, portraits and landscapes from Iceland, The Peak District...." by Andrew Yu

Closing date for Spread Eagle Glass competition submissions on the subject or GLASS. Up to 3 images please. Glass images should be titled and re-sized to 1024*768 Pixels - Guidelines for re-sizing are on the LPS website (see emeil to memebers for full details)
December 14th The ever popular Christmas fun night to see which photos our favourite landlord [Mr Nick Harris] selects for the Spread Eagle exhibition.  The theme is GLASS
Copyright © 2016 Lymm Photographic Society
Lymm Photographic Society - Current Programmes of events
Sharing the joys of photography in our village