Lymm Photographic Society - Club Housekeeping
Sharing the joys of photography in our village
Housekeeping and admin. stuff
Every club needs its sometimes boring but essential administrative bits and bobs and here are ours.
As a small friendly community group, we don’t want to have lots of rules! However, as the club starts to mature, just from a practical perspective we have had to make a few decisions about a few things. For members’ information, here they are....
Taster meetings
It is LPS policy to allow anyone to come along to try out the club without having to join immediately. Visitors are requested to contribute a very small fee of a few pounds to club funds (and to cover insurance) and to join the Society as a member once they are happy we are for them. People joining towards the end of the calendar year may, at the Treasurer's discretion, be given a pro-rata discount. Occasional visitors are also welcome.
Members' photos
Sometimes the Society is approached as a Society with requests to use members’ photographs; these could be existing photographs or requests for members to take new photographs for a specific event or reason.
These requests fall into two distinct categories :
1. Requests for/from commercial usage where a fee, reimbursement or other remuneration has been offered.
2. Request received where there will be no financial reward eg from community or voluntary groups.
The club has a Policy to cover each of these eventualities. Please use the links in 1 and 2 above to see each Policy.
The policies do not apply to purely personal arrangements made between an LPS member and another organisation where the member has been approached directly rather than through the Society.
Additionally the club, from time to time, may wish to use a member's image for club, not-for-profit, purposes eg on the web site, for posters etc. We generally assume that members are OK with this and invite them to indicate if they would prefer their work not to be used in this way. We also assume that former members' photos that were posted on the web-site/our Flickr group/similar at the time that their membership was current can continue to reside on those media platforms unless the former member/their family request their removal (which we will of course remove, on request).
It is the policy of the club that the club ‘books’ are managed by the Treasurer and are independently audited prior to presentation to the AGM.
No monies are loaned and all expenses/ payments are receipted. Cheques can only be issued with two signatures. The club banks at Lloyds bank. Payments to the club can be made via internet banking and the club's sort code and account number are available from the Treasurer.
Payment Policy
All outgoing transfers of funds from the Society's bank account are made exclusively by cheque. This is because the club requires an audit trail of all transactions and the Society does not run a petty cash book. This covers, for example, payment of speaker expenses, reimbursement of expenditure made by members in pursuence of running the Society etc.